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System Hacks for Noob's 3 : Save your Storage Space while using Virtualization

SAVE HARD DISK SPACE USED IS SYSTEM VIRTUALIZATION COMPACTING DISK We as Computer Engineers make use of  Virtual Systems in our Daily Life , Organizations using VM Ware, Virtual Box,Hyper-visor and a lot more VM Environments . These all use your hard disk space to manage the Virtual Machine(VM) as if any one of you had made a note that when we configure a VM its size is in between 10-20 GB only but with passage of time as we use that VM its size increases rapidly and if ignored as such it may acquire all your hard disk space and then you are left with only one option to reformat the drive .This is an accountable loss according to today's scenario. Why This Happens So? While configuring VM's we need to configure maximum hard disk space for a system.In that configuring we are assigning a share of Hard Disk memory to act as single independent Virtual Hard Disk for VM. So, now when we use VM and perform various tasks then that space expands but when your turn VM off  then its tend...

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